Ritha, the last one from the LaMare gang, gave birth on Saturday! She had a baby girl, so that makes 6 girls for her by the age of 30. I was lucky enough to be there for the birth and help out, which was a good thing because her husband was back in LaMare. It was the coolest and funniest experience (I can say that because I wasn't the one laboring!).
I stopped by the hospital to drop off one of Ritha's daughters around 6:30 in the evening. When I walked into the room, Ritha was in lots of pain and yelling crazy things. I decided I'd go track down the doctor to see if he'd look at Ritha. He took a quick look and was like, "oh, the baby's comin!" So, Ritha hops out of the bed with her IV still attached and starts running. I grabbed her IV bag... I was really confused...and yelled out "Where are we going!?" as I ran down the hallway. Ritha was running so fast and screaming and I was trying to hold her up and keep up with her pase at the same time. Someone yelled out, "To the maternity room!", which I didn't know we even had in the hospital. After we veered a few corners and arrived in the room, I hoisted Ritha up onto the bed while the doctor put on his gloves. I realized then that I had forgotten my camera in the room where all the pregnant women stay. I quickly ran for my camera and literally 10 SECONDS after I was back in the room with Ritha, the baby arrived! She's healthy and cute and has lots of hair as you can see in the pictures.