Lindsay in Haiti

...a journal of my experiences while living in Haiti for the next two years.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Camera? What's that?

Some kids aren't quite sure what to make of a camera. Here are some of the many poses of Ti Madame (Little Madame). She thinks she has to stick her face right up in the camera lens.

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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Flag Day

Tomorrow, May 18th, is Flag Day in Haiti. There is no school on Flag Day, so our school celebrated early. I haven't done my research yet, and so I know absolutely nothing about Flag Day. Hopefully, I'll learn something tomorrow so I write about it later.
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Monday, May 14, 2007

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Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Pignon Market

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Wednesday, May 02, 2007


This is precious little Annabelle, my goddaughter. She is now 6 weeks old and so sweet. I've learned that being a godparent in Haiti can be quite a big deal and big responsibility. I was even asked to pick out her name!
Annabelle's story is pretty crazy. She came into the world pretty quick and unexpected. Annabelle's mom, Rosemarie was having contractions and thought she should go to the hospital to stay until the baby came. So, she and her husband started WALKING to the hospital (a 15 minute walk when you are not in labor) at 2:00 AM in the DARK. They didn't get too far when Annabelle decided she was ready, and so Rosemarie laid down in the dirt road and had Annabelle right there. It was so dark that she didn't know what sex the baby was until a few hours later.
There will definitely be more Annabelle pictures to follow!
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